A: Because we know what is right. We have a natural sense of what is right. This is our conscience. How does our conscious know what is right?
A few examples:
1.Why is neglecting children wrong? Because taking care of children and nurturing them is obviously the right thing to do. We somehow KNOW this.
2.Why is lying wrong? Because being honest and telling the truth is right.
3.Why is having an affair wrong? Because staying faithful to someone is right.
The list goes on and on...
Stealing, gossiping, cutting in line, murder, injustice, racism, oppression, bullying, breaking promises....
When you see these words, you just think: WRONG.
This isn't just something that our parents engrained is us, this is something the whole universe knows. These moral obligations hold true across all cultures. Pretty amazing that the whole world holds these values. We cannot uphold them all because we are imperfect, but we know they are right. I would say that these moral obligations are great evidence that someone who is purely made of "right and true" designed humanity and gave us a sense of right, so that we can determine what is wrong.
This is an excerpt from Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis that gives an analogy to explain why we may not see God materially in this world, but he is very evident in his "work of art": Humanity. His perfectness is reflected in our ability to differentiate between right and wrong in this world.
"If there was a controlling power outside the universe, it could not show itself to us as one of the facts inside
the universe-- no more than the architect of a house
could actually be a wall or staircase or fireplace in that house. The only way in which we could expect it to
show itself would be inside ourselves as an influence
or a command trying to get us to behave in a certain
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